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Orangevale Junior High’s Impactful Week of Prayer

Orangevale Junior High’s Impactful Week of Prayer

Orangevale Junior High’s Impactful Week of Prayer 2000 1125 Ken Miller

By Lian Funada

In a remarkable display of faith and leadership, the Orangevale Adventist School Junior High students recently took on specific roles in their spiritual journey. They led a week of prayer that left a lasting impact on their school community. From managing AV equipment to delivering inspiring worship messages, these young individuals demonstrated remarkable maturity and dedication.

Their increased interest in Bible study resulted in 10 baptisms. Today, 60 out of 105 students actively participate in optional weekly Bible study and baptismal classes, led by students.

Reflecting on her experience, 8th-grade student Sammie Chaplin shared, 鈥淚 liked talking to the kids and praying with them,鈥 highlighting the meaningful connections made during the week of prayer. A 7th-grade student, Bela Stay, added, 鈥淚t was fun!鈥

The week’s impact extended far beyond the event itself. It served as a testament to the power of young people to lead and inspire others. Through their actions, these students strengthened their faith and served as beacons of light for their peers.

Featured in Northern Lights, May 16, 2024